Info Requests

If you need to request additional information about training or general craft information, requests will need to be sent through email.

Please email us at [email protected]

For Fall 2025 Semester Schedule, coming soon! 








Registration & Class Information

Fall 2025

Training                    High School Training                       

You will be required to provide an NCCER Card Number when you register.  If you do not have one, please create an NCCER Account by click here: NCCER Account


Registration open to all begining April 1, 2025. 

Orientation (all crafts other than welding) - August 11th 
Site and Craft Orientation - August 4-7 & 11-14 (Must be present all 8 days of orientation)

Classes begin August 18th or 19th for ALL returning students.

Click on course offering below for course and pricing information. 

Courses Offered -
 Important dates and required materials lists 

Carpentry - 2 year program 
Commercial Electrical - 4 year program (New classes start in the Fall semester only)
Industrial Electrical - 2 year program 
Instrumentation Tech - 2 year program
Pipefitting - 2 year program
Welding - 2 year program

All classes are two nights per week (6:00pm to 9:00pm) for 16 weeks per semester.

Fall 2025 Semester Course Fees -

(Fees are subject to change at any time) 

ABC Bayou Member Semester Tuition $700.00
Non-Member Semester Tuition $1,100.00
Registration Fees* $100.00
Book/Consumable Fees* $375.00
Testing Fees* $25.00


Welding Level 350 Exotic Metals - COURSE FEE

Course Rate -     
     Current ABC Bayou Student (moving from level 300)   $1000
     Non-ABC Bayou Student **   $1300

 * Please note that Registration and Book/Consumable fees are non-refundable.

** Non-ABC New Orleans/Bayou Chapter Students will have to take prerequisite practical tests before being placed in the Welding Level 350 course.