All American

Stars and Stripes


2016 Bayou High School Welding Competition

This year's High School Welding Competition was a huge success. We had 67 students that participated from 7 different high schools. Check out the list of winners below!

Beginner Welders:
1st Place: Austin Faucheux - Hahnville High School
2nd Place: Logan McDonough - Hahnville High School
3rd Place: Justin Schafer - Ponchatoula High School

Advanced Welders:
1st Place: Connor Becnel - Fontainebleau High School
2nd Place: Ryan Rodrigue - St. James High School
3rd Place: Kyle Kyzar - Ponchatoula High School

Overall High School Winner:
Fontainebleau High School

lt to rt: Justin Schafer, Connor Becnel, Logan McDonough, Kyle Kyzar
Ryan Rodrigue, & Austin Faucheux.

A few photos from the day:


2017 Annual Sponsors RedTitleBar

All-American Sponsors                                   


Stars & Stripes Sponsors                                                        


Patron Sponsors




2016 High School Weld Off Sponsors RedTitleBar